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Notice 02-27-2025 : With great pleasure, we announce the launch of our new municipal website to the public.


Family health care is provided to our community and surround area by five physicians and one physician assistant. The Marshfield Clinic-
Colby/Abbotsford Center is part of the Marshfield Clinic system, offering easy access to other specialties when needed.


Colby Elementary School was constructed in 1986, and currently houses grades K-4. It has 14 regular education classrooms with a full-size instructional media center, computer labs, full-size gym, as well as classrooms for specialized instruction. In 1997, the IMC and computer labs were expanded. In addition, there is one parochial elementary school for grades K-8.
A new middle school was opened in the fall of 1997, housing students in grades 5-8. This includes 13 classrooms, a gym, band and choir rooms, instructional media center, science labs, as well as a computer lab.
Colby High School houses grades 9-12. It provides excellent instructional opportunities in fine arts, vocational, physical and core academic subject areas. It houses an auditorium and full-size pool, allowing for a wide variety of curricular, as well as co-curricular offerings. After extensive remodeling in 1997, Colby High School features a distance learning lab, updated science and art facilities, as well as two additional computer labs.


Five denominations are represented within the city of Colby:
St. Mary’s Roman Catholic Church
First United Church of Christ
Zion Lutheran Church Missouri Synod
First United Methodist Church